15 April 2013

why don't you get things started?

The iTunes window tells me that we've listened to the Muppet Movie soundtrack 25 times during chicken-pock recovery week. So it comes as no surprise that, with the sun shining and the tulips blooming, I've got a Miss Piggy earworm.

"...it's time to get things started, why don't you get things started..."

At last Spring seems to have arrived (though we'll almost certainly be in for a snow flurry or two yet, and some hard frosts) and I am determined not to watch the Chelsea Flower Show coverage this year in a state of despair.

Obviously I don't anticipate having an award-winning garden by the end of May, but I want to watch the Chelsea programmes and feel genuinely inspired to enjoy the great things about our garden. I refuse to drool over the on-screen gorgeousness with the curtains guiltily drawn to blot out our own weedy, overgrown wasteland.

And so, over the next five weeks, I mean business. It's time to get things started.

I'll stick to this schedule and plant rotation for about the next week, possibly. Then I'll wing it.

Set to work as soon as the sun comes out.

Child labour.

It's not pretty and it's not subtle, but I'd like to see the effing weeds try this year.
Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough. (There will be gravel soon.)

A benefit of not having a dog = being able to use cocoa shell.
An amazing mulch that smells of chocolate (but is poisonous to mutts).


  1. Weeding is my least favourite activity although it is not as bad as the mice who eat most things that I grow, darn them.

  2. My neighbor used to use cocoa shell and it did smell heavenly! You are farther along in the gardening that us :)

  3. Oh yes...the garden- the one and only "garden of weeden"- I have big plans but my weeds take over. I wish you luck I am sure yours will be divine-especially with the coca shells- neat. Smart thinking with the child labor- mine grew up and figured me out.

  4. Wow! You are hardcore about those weeds. I know so little about gardening. Will be checking your blog for inspiration.

    1. the hardcore response come from having been badly stung before!

  5. Wow! You are hardcore about those weeds. I know so little about gardening. Will be checking your blog for inspiration.

  6. Having spent the weekend both digging out agapanthus and ivy roots (some of which were as tall as me and almost as wide) while listening to Alan Bennett read Winnie the Pooh on an ENDLESS repeat, I can relate! And aren't cocoa husks AMAZING?

    1. we have that Alan Bennett Winnie The Pooh cd too! What a perfect pairing it is!!! (I've always thought that Russell Brand should do an audio of Just So Stories... seriously, go and read some of them, you won't be able to get RB's voice out of your head now I've said it!)

  7. Good luck :) I dream of having a lovely garden, the only problem is I HATE gardening ;)

  8. I'm not sure when we will get plants in the ground, but they are started in pots! Good luck!

  9. Happy to hear that spring is making its way to your part of the world! It looks like you have everything planned & organized & ready to grow. My little guy has seasonal allergies, otherwise I would totally be on board with child labour in the garden :)

  10. hee hee good use of child labour. I'm so excited spring is finally making its way here!

  11. nice to see your gardening in action! I just posted about having SUCH struggles this year so far, but I'm not giving up. Off to the nursery as soon as it opens this morning!
