26 April 2013

bucket chemistry :: rhubarb

There's a point in the year when there are only two edible plants in the garden: rhubarb and chives. We are at that point. Too bad I've misplaced all my many rhubarb + chive based recipes.

We eat a LOT of rhubarb at this time of year (fewer chives). Add the fact that I only ever make one kind of dessert on a week night (and then only if they're very lucky) and what do you get?

You get rhubarb, honey and nuts over yoghurt.

I heard once that the most inherited feature of any British house (ghosts, rising damp, vermin and poor insulation aside presumably) is a rhubarb patch. So if you have a neglected crown or two, please do this. It takes moments to prepare and tastes just as delicious as crumble without any of the hassle.

It's probably too late to start forcing your rhubarb under a bucket now, but there's another reason this is called Bucket Chemistry Rhubarb; the quantities, temperatures and timings aren't exact or important. Just chuck it in the oven and hope for the best, it's not really possible to get it wrong.

But if you can't be bothered to cook up rhubarb, that's okay. Try the other (incredibly varied) desserts in my week night repertoire: yoghurt + passion fruit/berries/mango +/- honey +/- nuts.

I know, bor-ING huh? No, I promise it really hits the sweet spot.

And when your children are in bed, never ever replace the honey with golden syrup. No, I said don't. Stop it, it'll taste frightful.

Not that I'd know, you understand...


  1. Ah yes, rhubarb and chives that well known culinary combination! Funny that is what we have growing too plus a few salad leaves so I can have salad and rhubarb if I so desire...

  2. My favourite ... natural goats yoghurt and blueberries +/- banana +/- nuts but I'll skip the honey thanks. (Golden syrup ... eugh, what were you thinking!)

    Sadly I haven't inherited a rhubarb crown, but if I had the whippets would probably widdle on it!

  3. I heard of a great Rhubarb and vodka drink.....
    so when it doesn't work out in the oven, there's always that.

  4. So interesting! I've been making a lot of rhubarb, too and have been thinking: why aren't I growing it. Your post is urging me on. Thanks! ... and chives. I've never considered this combo -- interesting!

  5. Oh lordy I think we live parallel lives. We just made basically the exact same thing over coconut yogurt with maple syrup yummm. Our rhubarb isn't as big as I would like it just yet. Love that stuff.

    I also have that SAME annoying grass! Along with a couple of other overgrown things that I have been trying to cut back. That grass is really a rough one. Good luck with that one!

    AND - It is funny about the kids age difference. People aren't sure what to think. It has been a breeze so far! Eliot is genuinely helpful and the baby adores him to no end. He gets miffed once in a while but it is never about her.
