20 June 2012

my happy place

So it turns out there is no such thing as flattering maternity wear. Trust me, I've spent the weekend testing all that North London has to offer, and now have evidence (as if proof were needed) that you cannot polish a turd. Maternity wear makes you look fat... because at the end of the day, a waist measurement in excess of a metre means that (in conventional terms) you are fat. So don't believe the hype, flattering maternity wear is like a painless wax or Nigel Slater's recipe for chicken and coriander laksa: a contradiction in terms.

But other than clothes making me want to bury my weeping face in a large bag of Oxford Street Topshop's finest pick'n'mix, we have just spent a magical few days in the big smoke. Eating in favourite places, old and new, visiting the best markets and spending time with some of our most precious people.

There's one place in London where you'll always find me on a Sunday morning - no later than 8.30am - it's my happy, happy place and so photogenic that I thought you might like to see. Londoners (as a rule) are a pretty cynical bunch, and many might dismiss this place as a bit touristy. But during the years that I lived a stone's throw from here (even marrying into a Hackney family whose bone marrows read "E8" like sticks of rock) this place was my regular solitary Sunday morning escape. Ergo it's not just for tourists. Not if you do it properly.

Columbia Road flower market, Sunday Morning, no later than 8.30am. There's nowhere I'd rather be.

no knitting or reading to report for yarn along this week, but you do pass a bit of neat yarn bombing (including pom poms!) on the way :-)

first stop, breakfast at Jones Dairy, hot chocolate and raisin buns all round

Jones breads, colourful shops yet to open, bagels bagels bagels

fabric, ribbons and knicknacks once the shops start opening

junk (sorry, Royal memorabilia!) stands, thrift stalls and... ooh... a vintage solution to the lighting conundrum in the new kitchen! I'll take three!

and of course, flowers, flowers and more flowers
the real stars this weekend were the peonies and sweet williams - true British June blooms - naturally a few bunches were taken home for Granny

My happy, happy place. If you ever find yourself in East London on a weekend, get there before the crowds do.


  1. I've never been, but you've made it sound so lovely! Of course, getting up early enough on a weekend to get there before 8.30 does sound a little horrifying ;)

    1. It is open until 4pm I believe, but it's much less fun and much less atmospheric when it's crowded! l.m.

  2. I think your happy place is just beautiful and I would love to visit there one day.

  3. Love the peonies, I have one in my garden just gets loads of leaves, but I did see a bud the other day and cricking my neck to see, I think something might be blooming.....right, leaving you here to go look!

  4. I used to see all the maternity clothes while holding a baby and wonder why the cute stuff came out only when I wasn't pregnant. Finally by my third pregnancy, I realized there wasn't any cute stuff. Good luck in your clothing quest.

  5. I am speechless, just had to come back to say, that I looked back up from the iPad to see where it was (thru kitchen window) and it was gone....next thing, 3year old boy coming in from playing, with it grasped tightly in sweaty muddy hands..... was a little miffed, but to be honest, it is beautiful so I can kinda see why he picked it! I have photographed it and I will have to blog it for everyone to see, as let's face it, it probably won't ever flower again!

    1. NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I know that feeling! I hope it was a big enough bud to open up in a vase...

  6. I have heard and read about this yarn bombing- I think it is super cool.I love,love your images today- so beautiful and full of energy.

  7. I loved visiting your happy place!!! Certainly made me smile, too!!!! Great pics!!!

  8. Beautiful!!! I would love to see it one day. But for now I will enjoy it through your photos :)

  9. Raisin buns and peonies! Lovely! And the fabric shop would be on my list.

  10. Great post and photos! Loved seeing all these wonderful places and sights.

  11. it looks wonderful. the raisin buns and bagels look especially yummy to me right now.

    1. you'd particularly like that Jones Dairy and cafe are on one of the most picturesque streets in East London (I've even seen it used as a set for Victorian tv shows) called Ezra Street :-)

  12. Gorgeous pictures--sound fun to me, wish I lived closer!

  13. Oh my what a place to spend the whole day!! I would be in big trouble there!! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful outing. I am in the same boat with the maternity clothing so this weekend I am going to start sewing...maybe I will post a handmade Maternity week or something? hmmmm

    1. hand made maternity week sounds awesome (but it would have to be TRULY idiot proof for me to manage. I am the woman who makes smoke appear from sewing machines).

  14. Well well, I can certainly see why that's your Happy Place. I'd love to visit those shops where you took the photos of the fabric and ribbons. And, well, maybe the bagels and other yummy treats!!! Thanks for sharing...

  15. Ooooh, looks amazing. So, what on earth time were you in that cafe having hot choc? My idea of heaven!

    1. You would love it, especially all the flowers and the barrow boys getting all theatrical with their sales pitches! Are you going to have a Sunday morning in London when you go?

    2. No. Going Mon to Wed. We'll just have to go down another time. Might even take the boys sometime.

  16. I'm still giggling at the 'polishing a turd' comment!! haha! I'm sure you look lovely and PREGNANT, regardless of the maternity wear! and wow what a wonderful looking market!

  17. Looks like you had a fab time! I wouldn't mind starting my day in that cafe....
    I'm totally with you on the maternity wear. Just this morning I was desperately trying to find something in my closet that fitted and didn't make me look like I'd swallowed a whale. No such luck. Next year perhaps.

  18. oh how lovely it all looks! i want to go in each place!

  19. you know, I have actually never been to columbia road flower market in my 3 years in london. I guess I just hadn't seen any incentive for waking up before 7 on sunday (especially since i wake up at 530 on saturday, I feel shortchanged for sleep). Those photos are making me think I really have missed out. I love the vintage knick knacks!

    also, LOL flattering maternity wear is like a painless wax or Nigel Slater's recipe for chicken and coriander laksa: a contradiction in terms.

  20. I haven't been to London in over 10 years. This post makes me want to be there now. Beautiful photos!

    As for maternity wear...most of the clothes I wore during pregnancy were regular non-preggers clothes. I wore lots of loose dresses with belts over my bump. You're right it's hard to find decent maternity clothes, and to make matters worse it's always more expensive than non-maternity. I found Asos and H & M had some great things. Do you have H & M there?

  21. I was just talking with a friend over the weekend about the flower market and all the amazing shops and cafes in that area! The "junk" stalls look wonderful as does breakfast at Jones Dairy. Are the chocolate and raisin buns THE thing to get there?

    1. Ooh, I don't know if there's a particularly famous thing to have for brekkie there, you'd best ask them (though at a guess it might be a bagel). I always go for a hot chocolate there just because I'm not totally crazy about their coffee (made in a cafetiere). Thanks for stopping by!
