13 June 2012

diversionary tactics

This is proving to be a very tedious but effective diversion.

endless garter stitch on the baby chic blanket - procrastinator's paradise

A diversion from what you might ask?
Well, from this... and from this...

book group in 36 hours... as you can see it's really not happening for me, and a corner of my current kitchen - truly vile

Professional procrastination does have its inherent rewards though. If you turn your back and half close your eyes, you can make-believe Nigella. Even in the world's most repugnant and dilapidated kitchen. 


  1. That's a lot of book to read in 36 hours, but the blanket and the little chef are both very sweet xx Hope you're feeling less grumbly today x

  2. That baby blanket is so gorgeous! I really need to relearn how to knit ~ I haven't knit since middle school ~ a thousand years ago. Glad to know I'm not the only one who plays "Make-Believe Nigella" ~ I love to do the accent when I'm in my kitchen alone. HA!

    1. hehe! I didn't say I did the accent too (though I can easily turn on the plummy if I try!) It sounds rather fun - next time I'm making one of her recipes I'll have to do it in character... now where's a red satin robe when you need one - maternity size please!

  3. Gosh, that baby blanket is pretty! And my mouth is watering for those yummy looking tarts! bummer about the kitchen corner---hope help is on the way.

  4. Can I come to your house and procrastinate with you? I could eat a few of those cookies and knit for a bit!!! Lovely garter stitch blanket!!

  5. Love the colors for the blanket. Please tell me you are carrying the colors up and not having to weave in every end! Although that would give you plenty to procrastinate with!


    1. I am, I am! And it's making a rather beautiful woven edge, even if I say so myself. Thank goodness, because there are few tasks I hate more than weaving in ends!

  6. Oh that made me laugh... in sympathy! Did you read the recent Yarn Harlot post on procrastination? It resonated with me so much, I had to email it to my non-knitting sister.

    Regardless, the cakes and the gorgeous blanket are lovely, and I can't blame you one but for wanted to spend time on those xxx

    1. off to google it now... thanks for the prompt!

    2. Found. That woman is a kindred spirit. Except that I rarely have her motivated days!

  7. I really like the colors you are using for your blanket. I think we have all had a little experience in procrastination! Mine is usually with the second sock! I whip up the first in no time - the second can honestly take MONTHS!!!!

  8. Can't wait to see your renno! You are lucky to have such a talented little chef!

  9. Omnomnom. And I almost forgot about the knitting ;) It looks lovely!

  10. Sometimes I crave garter stitch and your blanket is looking so pretty. Good luck with finishing that book in time and good luck with the renovation. Yummy tarts!

  11. i had to quit book group because month after month they chose awful and boring books ;-) now i am a book club of one!

  12. Those tarts look simply sweet!!! ♥

  13. Such sweet colours in your blanket! I'm procrastinating on carrying on with mine... it's even in zigzag, but I'm too fidgety for mindless knitting right now I think. I know one day soon I'll be very grateful it's there waiting for me!

  14. Oh LOVE those little tartlets! What a great diversion!

  15. Dare I ask what is happening to your kitchen?? I want to eat jam tarts now though!
    LOve the colours of your shawl too.

  16. Those tarts look amazing - yumo!! And the baby blanket is lovely with its sweet colours :-)

  17. Go on, just one more row, everything else can wait... :)

  18. Your little blanket and those tarts both look great! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  19. haha i had to laugh at amandas comment - good idea!
    good luck on your kitchen redo, it'll be lovely in no time.

  20. Nothing wrong with a bit of procrastination! Those tarts look yum, and I once had a kitchen that looked just like that. It ended up just lovely though. Your garter stitch blanket is so pretty, what wonderful colours!

  21. oh what beautiful little tartlets and that yarn looks very yummy! i'd like to eat the tartlets though. yum! i hope your kitchen gets fixed soon!

  22. This is probably quite a random comment, totally unrelated, but I love that you've got your very British tarts on those chinese porcelain bowls (probably from singapore?).

    Good luck with your kitchen x

  23. Oh so beautiful! Lovely colors & photos, as always. : )
