24 January 2012

same old routine, this time in glorious technicolour

Another week, another cap-sleeved sweater (another two balls of Rowan purelife in pink granite!). It's all about pre-packing stash busting with the tried and tested patterns round these parts. But though the project is pretty much a repeat of a previous post, the photo is really exciting... can you tell this is an instagram using an iPhone!?

I KNOW!!! (Doesn't the instagram filter show up the texture beautifully by the way?) I've always been the person resolutely sticking with an ancient Nokia, you know the kind that texts and calls and does nothing else (and occasionally, not even those things). And I've always been more than happy with the bare essentials in my mobile life.

But my husband (feeling guilty about not having had a day off since December I think) surprised me and The Boss with customary hong bao (red packets) on Chinese New Year's morning. Hers had the traditional few dollars destined for the toy shop, and mine contained a new sim card for an iPhone 4S!

(Ok, admission time, I have no idea what the 4 or the S mean, but I assume it's significant so maybe you can help me out?)

So when I'm not scrolling through teeny screens in complete bewilderment (eek!) I'm reading The Tiger's Wife by Tea Obreht which my friend chose for our book club this month. I'm not very far in yet, but it is totally absorbing. However if I might be allowed to grumble about excessively long chapters again...

I am L-O-V-I-N-G  the colour coordinating buttons from Ginny over at Small things, aren't you! Also, I wanted to mention briefly how totally fantastic the Yarn Along community are - all the sincere encouragement, wonderful tips and sweet offers of help that came from my novice crochet post last week - truly, I was touched beyond belief. Thank you lovely people!


  1. love that color coordinated button! and 4s means the latest (and coolest) version. lusting for it here. four out of my five kids have one. what a sweetie husband!

    have fun with your colorful knitting and iphoning! (both quite addicting. there are a lot of knitting apps!)

    1. ooh Lori - which knitting apps do you recommend? What FUN!

  2. forgot to say your photo really does show the texture so well, i LOVE instagram photos!

  3. I'm seeing marshmallows and candyfloss and raspberry puree through vanilla ice-cream!

    1. FB thumbs up "Like!" (kind of wish blogger did a "like" button... they probably do, I'm just a div)

  4. Fab photo, the texture look gorgeous :)

    Excellent gift, I have an iPhone 4 (no S, so it is the version before yours!) and I love it. Hope you find lots of cool apps to enjoy!

  5. Your photo is great and really shows how lovely the yarn is for you knitting!
    Enjoy your new toy! :)

  6. Love the colour of your yarn. Have fun with your new phone, my sister has one and now I get pictures from her all the time. I love it!!

  7. Beautiful picture, and knitting. I love how it all looks so neat. Lucky you with the iPhone, my phone just died, so I'm kind of hoping I'll inherit DH's phone which does all those swish photos too!

  8. Yes, the texture is great. I have no idea how to use my camera phone with that app you mentioned. Or is it just a filter already on your phone? See...I'm phone illiterate.

    1. instagram is an app - and though I found it a bit baffling to start with, it seems to work just the same way as your inbuilt camera really ;0)

  9. I'm sort of really wanting one of those toys, too!!! Knit Handy is my favorite app (for my Ipad, but I think there is one for the iphone as well); it's sort of like those old Nancy KnitKnack cards--how much yarn will it take to do XXXXXproject in XXXXXX weight yarn. There is also a counter app and something called good reader where you can import patterns and mark all over them. Maybe more useful on an ipad that has a bigger screen, but still pretty cool!!! OH!! Have fun!!! (Love the yarn--you are so right--the detail is amazing!

  10. The photos are fantastic. My phone is also a non-smart phone, and my husband and I are toying ith the idea of iPhones. The expense for us just seems to outweigh the fun. Maybe soon. Have fun with yours.

  11. Instagram is very addictive! Love the filter on your beautiful knitting :)

  12. Wow, you took that picture with an Iphone? Very nice but I have the 3G (don't know what the heck it means either) so I will have to stick to my camera lol. Love that yarn!!

  13. The '4' is because it is the fourth iPhone. The 's' is for 'siri' meaning you can talk to it, LOL! I love the Yarn Along ladies, too....they are very encouraging, aren't they. The Tiger's Wife? So, is this about a female tiger or is this the wife of a man named Tiger? Joining you today on a Yarn along....... oh..I'm going to have to check out that Instagram!

    1. I need a new phone....my husband replaced my trusty Tracfone with an IPhone and then one of my middle children dropped it and shattered the screen. How sad I was, just when I started getting attached to the little thing. (the phone, I mean :) Lovely yarn, by the way...I can't wait to see the sweater!

    2. Thanks Rebecca! S for Siri makes sense now - we tried the Siri the other night and it was totally hilariously rubbish. My instruction to "close iTunes" was interpreted as "call Ike Nunez" or something equally ridic... and I don't know anyone called Ike! (though now I come to think of it, it's quite a cool name)

  14. Just found your lovely blog through yarn along. I love your tag line. Congrats on your iphone!

  15. Ooh, that is pretty yarn. I haven't tried Rowan purelife yet but it looks like gorgeous stuff. Darn my Stash Diet! That is a sweet New Year's gift from your husband. The HD video and camera are some of my favorite features of my iPhone. Hope you have fun with all the photo apps available for it. Can't wait to see the results.

  16. It is beautiful, indeed! I have an iPhone that is all but redundant now that we're in an area with next to no mobile phone reception. Bleurgh!

  17. Really love the instangram functions of the IPhone..am really torn on which phone to get next once my ancient Nokia spoils. love your ability to sew.

  18. This post makes me want an iPhone. I'm still using the ancient Nokia you spoke of.
