26 November 2013

anarchy, acrylic and arrivederci

 Turns out there's a time and a place for acrylic. No really, there is.

It snowed last week so it must be Winter. And The Boss needs a warmer school jumper. If I'm going to knit one, then it's got to be acrylic. I'll tell you for why.
  1. For two quid you get a ball of yarn as big as a large baby. And if you are going to risk making your child look like the 'special' one in the playground, you really don't want to spend actual money on actual wool, in case the whole idea is rejected after day one by a small person who suddenly realises that fitting in is very VERY important.
  2. While we're talking about cost, perfectly adequate generic supermarket school cardigans cost less than a fiver. A hand-made school jumper has got to compare favourably with that. I might have my head in the clouds but I'm not a bloody idiot.
  3. It's going to have to be chucked in the machine along with everything else. Often.
  4. Wool yarn, in proper flat-textured bottle green, doesn't appear to exist.
While it's a horror to knit with, it is actually making quite a nice, tight, even fabric. My tension must be all over the place because the stitches keep sliding around on the needles, but the yarn is incredibly forgiving of that; the fibres seem to find their own squashy equilibrium.

Her favourite jumper is the fuchsia Rubble I made while waiting for the Dragon Baby to arrive. The fuchsia Rubble that has recently gone missing. (We'll discuss it later young lady, mark my words.) I think that pattern'll make quite a nice school sweater. Long-sleeved white t-shirt underneath and her grey skinny jeans... we might be stretching the uniform policy to breaking point, but there aren't many acceptable acts of mild anarchy in family life. You've got to take them when you can.

Probably get 4 sweaters out of that ball...

So listen, I think this might be my final Yarn Along post. But if there was ever a good reason to start a blog, Yarn Along has been it. A better source of inspiration, help, advice, ambition and charity I couldn't have imagined. And as for the (largely) women behind the posts? Truly I feel like we are face-to-face friends now. Though you won't be reading my waffle any more, I'll still be reading yours.

And do you know the strangest by-product of Yarn Along? I get sent all these mysterious emails from various publishers and book websites, promoting their latest Young Adult fiction. It took me the longest while to figure out that it can only be because I've typed "YA" and "book" into a whole lot of blogposts, and the bots must have tracked my keystrokes or something. I've never knowingly read Young Adult fiction in my life (and honestly, can't see it happening, no matter how many newsletters I get from Goodreads. Soz chaps.) Anyone else had this YA misunderstanding happen to them? No? Just me then.

So there we are.

I'm so delighted to have linked up with some of you over at my new portfolio site, or on Pinterest. I don't want to lose touch, so if you haven't visited yet, I'd love to see you there. I believe my new place is on Bloglovin, though I have simply no idea what that means. So please, if you do Bloglovin type things, then y'know, do whatever that is.

Sounding like a halfwit yet?

Well, let me redeem myself by trying to appear frightfully clever: you remember when I won that design competition back in July? The Art Deco design thing? Well, the silk scarves are now for sale here. Can you believe it?! I really can't.

I'm powerfully un-cool about the whole thing. I'm literally jumping up and down and pinning these images twelvety times a day. My resolution on January 1st 2013 was "to make something capable of selling this year" (notice that I didn't have to actually sell it). So it's seriously mind-bending to have sold a few hundred pounds worth of cards and tea towels this week alone (and some of them have even sold to strangers; a crucial milestone!). I have grinned dumbly at this silk scarf web page for A. Long. Time. I don't even get a profit share, so I don't know why I'm so pleased. It just looks so PROPER. I think it might be the first New Year's Resolution I've ever kept.


So, that's where we are right now. Technically inept, terminally uncool, and draping The Boss in acrylic (while I lust after silk). I can't quite decide whether it's all downhill from here on, or if things can only get better. Either way, it's been lovely Yarn Alongers, and everyone else. Thank you all, Happy Thanksgiving, and I'd love to see you over on the other side sometime soon.

Tally ho.


  1. I will follow you over on the other site! Good luck with your new adventures :) Love how we all become friends over needles and string and maybe a book recommendation!!

    1. Isn't that just the magic of knitting Karen: it's just a bit of string and two sticks, and suddenly beautiful things can happen. And there isn't a negative aspect to knitting. Nothing. It's ALL positive. Most especially the way that it breaks the ice and binds people together. I wonder, does Ginny really know what an important community she has made? How many Wednesdays have been saved through meeting up at Yarn Along? x

  2. will miss you much-ly here...look forward to the new phase of your life!!! I know it will go well!!

  3. I will miss your wonderful posts which always make me laugh and smile........hope you enjoy your new ventures :)

  4. THAT IS FLIPPING AWESOME. You have a right to be as uncool as you want about it. Damn I will miss your blog though :(

  5. I love your design work, I really do, and the new site is already bookmarked. But boy am I gonna miss your way with words!

    Good luck with all that's next x

  6. Why do I always think I commented and then I never did? I think I read this post about three times now. Probably an issue with letting go. You'll be missed. But so much good luck. Seeing your scarf like that is fantastic! And just love the cards.. Sigh..

  7. Yo! Just wanted to pop by to say hope you had a flipping awesome Christmas and that you will have a wonderful 2014. (you will, famous designer already..)

  8. Friend, I miss your posts and I miss hearing from you but I don't have your email addy! Please contact me when you can :) Tricia @ farmishmomma


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