15 May 2013

please help :: the one where Mill calls all her favours in

Last month, my best friend moved into a new flat. She asked me to design a change-of-address card, based on a sketch by her father. Her Dad’s an uber-creative who even has an OBE. For services to serious artistry. M’ya-ha darlings, that’s arty royalty right there. So the card turned out well. Her friends loved it.     

Her Dad emailed me more sketches, beautiful little scribbles that would compete with any Quentin Blake. And we all wondered if there might be a way to harness his lifelong sketching talent to my fledgling graphic design skills and make cards that people (other than close family members) might actually want to buy.   

Of course, a major stumbling block sits squarely in our path; he’s retired and I’m a full-time Mum, therefore neither of us has a grubby fiver to spare to print cards that may or, let’s face it, may not sell. 

And that’s when a little competition was announced; to design a Thank You card for a fantastic British company, based not far from where I live, called Pedlars. Entering the competition gives me and The Prof a chance to see one of our designs alongside the work of more established surface designers which, frankly, is exciting enough to begin with. And maybe, just (breathy) maybe, with your help we could see our work in print without having to plunder my child benefit or his old-age pension.     

Click here to vote for our flatterned man design

So, I’m looking at you with my biggest shiniest eyes (you know like when Puss-in Boots turns on the soppy in the Shrek movies) and imploring you, if you have a couple of minutes please take a look at the competition page and, if you think it has any merit at all, vote for the ‘Flatterned Man’ card by Robin and Camilla.

The voting is open until 29 May 2013. So here goes: social network sustenance matrix activated.

Thank you beautiful creatures; your support means the world to this nerdy girl and that arty Grandpa. I think, with your help, there's an outside chance we might just do it...


  1. Done and done! I love your card. (And now we know what you're real name is!!!!)

    1. Gah - there was no way around it! Thanks for voting!

  2. did it. Lovely!!! Good luck :)

  3. Done! Good luck to you two!!

  4. Done! Good luck with your lovely card, but even more so with your venture!

    1. Thank you Liene, we're just hoping that there might be a venture afterwards; we haven't thought that far ahead yet!

  5. Done & done. Your card is ADORBS!!! Seriously, it's so cute. Easy choice! Good luck!!!

    1. Thank you! I believe we're being well and truly beaten into 4th place at the moment, so do encourage all and any to cast their vote.

  6. Done! And 'twas my pleasure :)

  7. What a clever card! I voted for you two. Good luck!

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you Erin! We're currently languishing in 5th place, but if everyone who read this would vote we'd be striding out ahead; so come on friends, click through for me!!!

  9. I voted for you. :) Best of luck!

  10. Love the wee card – I would buy it :) (Though I daren't think of the shipping costs to NZ…) Voted! :)

    1. Thank you Mel! If it wins and gets printed I'll mail you one, how's that?!
