06 February 2013

the magical moment when...

The weather here has been unbelievably bad for the past couple of weeks. Howling gales, horizontal hail, sleet and snow. And the kind of driving cold rain that makes my frontal sinus ache on the way home from school. It makes The Boss whimper on the way home from school (because she doesn't know what a frontal sinus is yet but just knows that it's miserable).

I always feel bad for the Posties on days like this. We have two regulars and I wouldn't do their job for the world, yet one of them is always cheery, and the other is always (there's no way around this) hot. The kind of purdee that you almost never discuss with your female neighbours over coffee... very rarely anyway.

Anyway, cheery Postie made my day today by delivering the most magical moment of any project. After weeks of browsing online, humming and hawing about colour combinations and which brand would give me the best result for the lowest price, at last the little squashy parcel of wool from Loop arrived. They always deliver within a matter of hours and wrap it in beautiful apricot coloured tissue, the opening of which, for me, has become a wonderful rite of passage for any special project. The possibilities!

do you know what I mean about this moment? or have I totally lost it?

This time it's for a Varjo shawl by Veera Valimaki, something I've been aching to make for months.

The Postie delivered a magical moment for The Boss too. A lovely wrapped Amazon surprise for when she gets home from school, a belated birthday present from a busy Uncle. She's going to love it (I know what it is!).

And as luck would have it, the sun's come out at last.

Joining in with Ginny and Yarn Along; a global exploration of reading and knitting.


  1. oh my!!!! How did I miss this design? I made the color affection shawl and it's a fav. Can't wait to see this one knit up :)

    1. I believe it was a KAL for a yarn store in Finland, so the pattern wasn't published for a while (I guess to keep it exclusive). I've been watching Rav like a hawk and was so glad to see it's up there now!

  2. Gorgeous yarn for a gorgeous pattern - wonderful!

  3. That's very pretty yarn and a very interesting shawl design.

  4. Varjo going to look amazing in the colours you have chosen! can't wait to see it.

  5. Beautiful ~ can't wait to see the finished product!!!

  6. Oooh lovely, looking forward to seeing that shawl take shape!
    Do your posties still wear shorts? I don't know why, but ours still wear shorts even in the most miserable of weathers. I shiver just looking at them!

  7. Gorgeous colors for a stunning shawl pattern. A Magical Moment indeed! I have been meaning to knit this one since it first came out.

    Love the pop-up book, too! I remember those from when I was younger. I hope that your daughter enjoys her birthday surprise.

  8. oh my goodness that is one of my favorite moments too! enjoy your lovely parcel from loop! and happy knitting!

  9. Gorgeous yarn choices!! yay for posties who are hot and deliver in all weather!

  10. Oh I love the when such packages arrive. It is probably a good thing the hot postie didn't deliver it. Who knows what could have happened! I am eager to see that shawl. Veera has such elegant designs.

  11. The yarn and shawl are gorgeous! I love the color combo you chose!

  12. I do know that moment, and thinking about it makes me fancy some online yarn shopping! You picked lovely colours

  13. Those are the best kind of parcels, even when delivered when our very grumpy, and absolutely the opposite of hot, postie.

    Are you going to tell us what the yarn is or do we have to guess?

  14. Yay!! Cold and nasty here too. Hugs!

  15. I keep coming back in the hope of seeing it!!!! :D

    1. Oh Sarah I'm sorry - haven't got very far this week, but thank you for checking back. I'll show you as soon as I have something for you!

  16. You're not alone! I think any and all mother's have had days and weeks like this. Beautiful photo and I've always reminded myself that "the next thing/phase" will come soon. Just a period in life -- thanks for sharing.

  17. aw LOVE suprise packages. my mum often sends me useless things all the way from singapore. I scold her for wasting money and effort, but deep down inside, I always am so happy to receive them. :)
