28 November 2012

yarn along :: in brief

There aren't enough hours in the day at the moment. And I know that it'll only get more frantic next month. In lieu of a well-considered, pithy and thought-provoking yarn along post (still working on those things), here's one of this year's projects in use this morning.

In short; I'm knitting an age seven Bulle, using this wool, and I'm really excited about it. So far it feels like the best quality garment I've ever made. Which might be because I'm taking my time and doing it properly, swatching for gauge, alternating my skeins and everything. Also, I'm totally engrossed in reading this amazing story. Recommended by a member of our book group (apparently the author is a friend of a friend of a friend or something) the jacket blurb made me think no, this is not up my strasse at all. But I went for it anyway, and I'm enjoying the long lazy 4am nursing sessions with my wee Kindle light on more than I can tell you. It's awesome.


  1. so cute in stripes and what a lovely blanket! ♥ that looks like a good book...I've heard of Lisa Ballentyne recently, can't remember where or from whom!

  2. O, I want to cast on a Bulle so bad, but my 8 year old said she doesn't care for it. :( How can you not? I'm completely perplexed by that. I think my almost 2 year old might need one though. It's just too good of a pattern to pass up!

    1. So far I'm finding it to be a REALLY good pattern. Simple but with clever details. I don't think I'll bother with the pockets because I'll probably end up adding bulk and my daughter doesn't really use her pockets anyway. I think your toddler definitely needs one!

  3. What a cutie, oh my! I would love to just sit and rock him all day.
    Glad you are enjoying so much these days, life is good.

  4. Going to go look at that book now. Ok, that baby picture is scrumptious! How sweet!!!

  5. Siunds good! And the blanket turned out just the right size for that little sweetie, no?

  6. cute sweater dress!!! And your baby is looking mighty cute on that lovely blanket you knit up :)

  7. What a handsome little one! Love the blanket!

  8. My daughters pre-date Kindles and I read War and Peace while breast feeding the first daughter during the nighttime. It wouldn't have been possible if I'd used a bottle - no free hand to hold the book.

  9. He is precious, and looks quite snugly on that lovely blanket. I love the bulle too and hoping Ginny might adjust for my ten-year old.

  10. It's ironic how having newborns around prevent me from getting so many things done, but those nursing sessions are the only way I get to have computer time or reading time! It's a bit of a luxury in some ways, though I do miss my sleep.
    Glad you found a good book to enjoy!

  11. You do have the most adorable child there, but hey, you know that!

  12. So yummy, that baby!! Hmmm reading during my 4 AM nursing time...that is a great idea. I just latch baby on and pass out until he finishes haha. Great to see what you are up to friend.

  13. I can see I needed a catch up! What creations you've been knitting and look how big the baby is, too! Good luck with the sleep and thank goodness for Kindle!

  14. I knitted the Bulle for my daughter with Cascade 220 and I love love it. She just wore it last week. The sleeves were a bit tight to my taste so my next one (because there will be a next one) will account for that.
    Here's a link to my Bulle on Ravelry http://ravel.me/imene/b1

    1. Thank you for this! She looks absolutely gorgeous in your photos, and I'll bear that in mind regarding the sleeves (I'll probably get onto them later this week). Unused cascade 220 for the first time a month or two back to make a rubble sweater. It's another lovely pattern and the wool is softening up beautifully the more she wears it.

  15. I love this photo - so cute! I used to love those late night nursing sessions - in those days I didn't have a kindle but I used to read with the Kindle app on my phone and it saved my sanity!

    Your comment on my Xmas Jumper post made me laugh so much - I think you should dig out those cards/photos for us, it sounds like such an awesome idea!!!! xxxxx

  16. I haven't been sleeping recently (it's 3.25 am here!) and have been reading up on relaxation techniques, and a recent article said that knitting was better then meditation!

    The little man is just gorgeous.

    I've just ordered the book - great to get a recommendation, thanks.

  17. Such a sweet photo! It makes me want to knit! I'm also a fan of Nigella and agree - she easily puts you in the mood. I hope all parties went great! Wishing you a Happy New Year (Hoping you'll find this post back in here in "2012!") I can definitely relate to the buggy snow days. Our three were born in Stockholm within 3 years and I think of the amazing shape I was in as i pushed my 2 babies with one in a Baby sling through the city!! Wishing you blissful day and nights of sleep!
