14 November 2012

our lives in stripes

The Puerperium (below left)
The first two tiny weeks. I'm a sack of spuds high on adrenaline. Waddling rather than walking, whilst substantially and absorbantly padded. Afterbirth pains - nobody told me about those. Breastfeeding agony - I knew all about that. He is staggering and beautiful and perfect.

The first Beyond Puerperium (below centre)
Walking is back to normal. Astonishing Pammy A sized ta-tas. Visits to the bathroom no longer feel like a violation. He continues to be divine, gaining a pound per week. But my decreasing adrenaline is inversely proportional to increasing tiredness, reaching a perfect storm around week six, during which things may be said and later regretted. Mummy, what does "flipping" mean?... Why did you call Mr Funny Bunny "that flipping stinky rabbit?"

The following week brings some personal progress, and a routine begins to emerge. And baby giggles. Lots and lots of giggles.

The second Beyond Puerperium (below right)
Who knows what the next phase will bring, but those colours spell Christmas...

Joining in with Yarn Along this week - though I'm afraid there's been no time for reading round these parts. Must try harder...


  1. I love how you have them hanging on the hanger-very artistic!! One day you will have plenty of time to read, enjoy your children. Glad to know my book will continue to be weird :)

  2. what a clever display!!! (or is that just your upside down world right now???) hug those babes---they grow up way way too fast!!!

  3. Those sweaters look perfect. I like the striping on the red one.

  4. hehe. that flipping stinky rabbit! those are great. i am going to make a tama with short sleeves for indy next. i think it will look cute with the long sleeves from the onesie under it. he grew out of his puerperiums so fast! start knitting the next set!

    1. So strange, I decided that the next puerperium I make i would modify so that there were fewer buttons... And having looked up the Tama I see that a pattern for it already exists! Thank you Anoushka!

  5. Your sweaters are so adorable and I hope you are soaking in all the beautiful baby love!

  6. Isn't it lovely how they all tell a story of baby's early days and weeks? You'll be reminded of this time when you pull out those puerperiums for baby no.3 ;)

    1. Nae danger of that! (You should see how small our house is! Square footage is a powerful contraceptive!)

  7. Gorgeous stripes. Hope you wade through the tiredness and come out the other side smiling and reading for some reading, probably in about six months! Enjoy him whilst he is young.

  8. So happy for you and me...so happy for us with our baby boys. Your baby is so beautiful!! I love the papoose and the tied dyed jammies are very cute. How was your birth? I hope you are doing well and enjoying your babymoon.

  9. Haha, sorry, but that is funny.."what does flippin mean?" Lol. I know what you mean. We are going through month 11 of 11 of a deployment. Mommy says lots of things I don't want to be saying. Beautiful beautiful knits.

    1. Eleven months, blimey you must be knackered. Thank goodness you're in the home stretch.

  10. So glad I'm a man... Nice knitting my dear x

  11. They are so cute! Make the most of your big boobs. I really miss mine.:(

  12. At first glance I saw beaky birds in that pic (I need more sleep too, clearly!).

    Just knitting in the first few weeks is an achievement, I really wouldn't worry about the reading! The puerperium are just so cute!

  13. Thank you for this. It is so very honest and true. Glad you are emerging from those initial days into a hopeful rhythm.
