03 October 2012

ladies, get a hold of your uteri...

...because there's some serious cute coming up.

Not many words for Yarn Along today, as I have my hands rather full. But I wanted to show you that the eight extra days I was kept waiting for the little dragon (or 'xiao long' if my grasp of preschool mandarin/the Din Tai Fung menu is anything to go by) were not wasted days.

(Please excuse the phone photos.)
Stylecraft luxury merino in Mulberry and Cafe

I took inspiration from Anushka's lovely Pompom Papoose, and then completely changed it. I changed the shape (from a simple rectangle to a tapered foot-end), added a button band, and improvised a little leafy autumnal ornamentation. In fact, I haven't even got around to the pompom bit yet, and might omit it altogether, or perhaps make some leaves instead.

So, my hands were not idle. But here's the question: how much does a pattern have to change (and this one was changed utterly) for it to become a new pattern? I'd love to write all the details down and share it with you some time, but wouldn't want to step on any toes.

snug as a bug in a ... papoose

I have read almost nothing during the past week, but have been dipping in and out of the first edition of this new magazine that my friend brought me. It's rather beautiful and references a lot of blogs that I already follow and shops that I already use/lust after. So I'm excited to see that issue two is out tomorrow!

Got to go and address a small nappy now. Happy days!


  1. Well, those extra eight days weren't wasted, he is just too cute for words! Hope you are well and I know you are loving this time.

  2. Oh...I've been wondering how you were getting on. Congratulations...he's beautiful..so is the papoose.

    Difficult question about the pattern changing...it's a dilema...I know. I'm always aware of not copying someonw elses work or idea. I suppose if it doesn't look anything like the original pattern, it's yours now and so you do with it what you like. Just my opinion though.

    Oh and The Simple Things looks interesting...I must look that out.

    Have a good day with your little man.

  3. Oh my goodness. It is adorable!

  4. If you did all the math and gauge then it is YOUR pattern, in my opinion. I bet people would love it on Ravelry if you shared it :) Have fun with the wee one!! How is big sister doing?

  5. oh my....how blessed you are! there is nothing like a new little one wrapped in wool! Congratulations!!

  6. Oh my goodness - that papoose is almost as beautiful as the baby inside it! Congratulations! xo

  7. Sigh. I'm not sure there's anything easier on the eyes than a sweet newborn. Big congratulations. I may just be smiling for the rest of the day over the cuteness of your little one.

  8. Beautiful - baby and papoose and the two of them together. How great is it to have an autumn/winter baby! :)

  9. Thank you for the warning. My womb ached just seeing that beautiful baby.

  10. I bet he loves being in there. Can you strap that to your bosom for a little mobility? ;-)

  11. oh my, what a beautiful wee babe.
    your papoose is so nice. i often wonder that as well, how much changing is needed for the pattern to actually be yours? i mean all shawls fallow a similar start (or alot of them do) but each pattern is different enough to be called it's own.

  12. Congratulations on your sweet baby! Wow! You were busy in those extra eight days! great job on the papoose.

  13. Oh my goodness, that little bunting is just gorgeous (and what a cutie inside it, too!). Lovely work.

  14. I'm 40. Is it too late for a seventh baby? Because...well...you know. Papooses and fuzzy babies.

  15. Adorable!! Thanks for making my baby fever even worse! ;)

  16. Congratulations! How beautiful, your new baby and papoose!!

  17. Congratulations! The papoose is almost as sweet as the little guy tucked inside. It sounds like you did alot of your own math in designing the papoose so I guess it would be ok to put a rav. You may want a few other opinions though.

  18. Warmest congratulations and all loveliest wishes to all of you! Beautiful papoose and even more beautiful baby :)

  19. He is GORGEOUS!! basically if you do the math, its your pattern :)

  20. Oh goodness, what a delightful little one! I love the garter/leaf edging you did, beautiful! Enjoy your babymoon. :)

  21. I'm not sure I have a uterus but something makes me want to have a baby... it's too CUTE!!!!!

  22. Awwwwwwwww. Well done you - you made both of those cuties and they fit together so perfectly. I keep telling everyone that I am not in any way broody so you had better stop posting such things, okay?!
    Gorgeous. xxx

  23. first of all... your baby is adorable, so handsome, and needs to be kissed! secondly, you are a genius. you should sell that pattern of yours on ravelry and not give it a second thought. the first original pattern is just a rectangle! i love what you've done. amazing. it's such a wonderful little place for your baby isn't it?

  24. That's your pattern! And it's all wrapped around your baby. And with pics like these to promote it I'm sure it would sell really well on Ravelry. You saw something you liked and made your own version, you didn't just tweak a stitch here or there. Copyright can admittedly be a grey area but if - as other's say - you've done the maths then yours is an original not a 'version of' and you shouldn't have a problem.

    Give that adorable little water dragon a cuddle from me :D

  25. Oh wow! I can't believe I missed this post when I've read the ones above it !!!!!!! He's absolutely beautiful! xxx

  26. Absolutely precious! I'm so sorry that I'm a little behind on my reading. What a talent you are both at knitting (so fresh and useful!) and... your baby makes my heart pitter patter - adorable!
