31 October 2012

but baby it's cold out inside

Having only paid fleeting visits to freezing climes over the past few years (each time singing "yah boo sucks frosticles, we're catching the next SQ flight back the poolside" over our shoulders at the top of our lungs) we've forgotten what Winter is like.

Turns out it's like this:
1. Bloody cold outside the house.
2. Can't afford carpet on the ground floor. Artic breezes sweep up through the exposed floorboards.
3. Ergo, bloody cold inside the house as well.
And the worst bit? You know that thing where your sock wrinkles down inside your welly boot and ends up snarled around your toes, and it only ever happens on one foot which almost makes it more annoying? You know that thing? Yeh well, that never happened in Singapore.

We're starting to miss the sunshine a lot, and there are reminders everywhere. The Boss' new best friends at school are Malaysian and Indonesian. I've been reading the beautiful Booker nominated Garden of evening mists by Tan Twan Eng, and I'm craving a fatty bowl of mee with deep fried wonton from my favourite hawker. (Those last two aren't related in any way.)

So in an effort to avoid "grass-is-always-greener" syndrome (something in which I'm prone to wallow like the grumpy hippo that I am), let's focus on the great things about being at home in the cold. Because there are lots of them (and secretly we're thoroughly enjoying this autumnal babymoon).

The best things are, in no particular order:
1. There are no cockroaches or poisonous snakes.
2. My Mum can come to stay without spending a grand.
3. I can have beautiful discontinued wool like Araucania Toconao in my hands within two days.
Isn't this sweater (inspired by Ginny's one) going to look awsomesauce in that wool?

Joining in with Yarn Along and once again seeking your help: Does anyone know a mail order source of Araucania Toconao Multy in shade 406? (AKA the most beautiful yarn ever made what were they THINKING discontinuing it?) And what did Araucania replace Toconao with in their range? I can only order online and I can't be sure what comes up similar to the Toconao. Thanks for any hints  x


  1. Oh my dear, I am sorry you are so cold, and here I sit in warmth wishing for cold.
    Have you thought about taking old sheets, tee shirts and such to crochet rag rugs for your floors? Wouldn't cost anything and would help keep the cold out.

  2. Cosy socks, rugs, draft excluders, hot chocolate and flannel pajamas - that's my solution to the weather ;) And I know exactly what you mean about the sock/welly problem - gah, I hate that!

  3. That is a beautiful yarn and will be a lovely sweater. It's cold in the Midwest States too. Brrr.

    You really should work on that sock issue. I don't think I'd leave the house. I have on toasty handknit socks right now but they don't go outdoors. Too lovely.

  4. Your yarn is scrummy! We are getting used to cold floors and whistling breezes through old windows and doors in our new home too. It's COLD, friend. Hang in there... soon it will be spring!

  5. Sorry you guys have been freezing. :-( Hopefully that sweater (made with the gorgeous yarn!) will keep you nice and warm.

  6. Hope you find a way to keep warm in the chill.

  7. I think the benefits out way the negatives, knit more sweaters and maybe a rug??? Great post :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. that yarn is gorgeous and I have added Garden of Evening Mists to my to-read list. I commiserate with you on the cold dilemma - I complained all summer long about the miserable heat in DC and now that Hurricane Sandy has brought along some icy rains I find myself in whining land again. May I suggest a little Japanese indulgence called a kotatsu? It is a heated table and I virtually spend all winter long sitting there with my toesies cozy and warm.

    So happy to have discovered your blog.

    1. Oh my gosh, we had a kotatsu in the little tradition house we rented in eastern Kyoto a couple of Christmases ago! Because the house was all paper and wood, it had virtually no heating, and we'd just arrived from Singapore, it was FREEZING! We spent SO MUCH time under that kotatsu!

  10. I HATE it when my socks scrunch down in my boots. So annoying!
    That yarn is delicious, and I am always surprised that the yarn companies don't consult with their customers before discontinuing their more lovely ones.
    Good luck with the cold, bonus about no more snakes :)

  11. wanton hawker - hahahahha. That sweater will be better than awesomesauce. I just made a poncho for my daughter out of tocanao and am so sad it is no more. I do still have a few more skeins, but not 406 unfortunately. Otherwise it would be in the post for you. No idea on a sub. Hope your socks stay up and you stay warm.

    1. Ha! I should know better than to leave my autospell on! Isn't Toconao beautiful? I'm going to keep up my search!

  12. That yarn looks yummy - I have knitted my way through a few Araucanias, but not this one. I always order mine from Stash Fine Yarns, but I don't suppose they still have the shade you're after? Sending warm thoughts..

    1. Coincidentally that's exactly where I got this from! But no, they don't have the shade I covet :-(

  13. Re. the yarn, have you checked the will trade or sells in the stash listings for Toconao on Ravelry? Looks like some folks overseas may have some and as they're private sales you can usually avoid import vat.

    I get to sit in the shop at Stash most Wednesdays, it's where my Knit and Natter group meet! Would you like me to search the odds boxes for you there if you can't find any on Rav? They are great about locating stock for people but once they're down to a single skein or two of a discontinued yarn they sometimes put it in the shop rather than have it in the stock room.

    1. YOU'RE K_I_D_D_I_N_G! Annie I would LOVE it if you could have a quick look for me. I just love the soft muted colours in that range, so do let me know if there is some Toconao kicking around - especially in 406 - I would be DELIGHTED to free up some space in their store room!

  14. you crack me up.
    sorry it is so cold!
    knit yourself some socks that won't go wonky in your boots.

  15. I can only imagine the difficulty this this transition after your time abroad! Nice to see things in lists sometimes and it did make me laugh! If you need consolation: just think north! We're moving into cold and darkness, too! By Dec 21, the sun will be rising at 9:15 and setting at 2:15. The sun is just never very high and never very strong....

    1. No, I can't even consider further North! I'm at 57*N already and your description of your hours of daylight sounds perilously close to ours (which I'd been kind of in denial about!)
      I wish I could hibernate til spring...

  16. Ha! That sock and weekly thing happens to me all the time.

    That sweater is going to be scrumptious.
