04 September 2012

yarn along :: new

Posting a little early for Wednesday's Yarn Along, just in case...

The enormous new blanket that won't fit the dragon baby's bed 'til it's three is finished (dimensions = 97cm x 123cm in the end).

four colours of Rowan wool cotton striped together
(nearly... ahem... 16 balls of the stuff. Please don't tell)

I've invested in new slippers in preparation for my first Scottish Winter in three years, and the amazing Mr Breadwinner shocked me with a final, surprise constituent for our hospital bag: a Kindle. With a beautiful cover that matches my phone perfectly - so chic. I love my new toy. So does our bookshelf. If I could've jumped up and down with excitement I would've. Sadly that'll have to wait a while.

currently reading "Charlotte Street" by Danny Wallace and "Simplicity Parenting" by KJ Payne.
"The Gift of Rain" by Tan Twan Eng is queued for those first weeks of endless infant feeding.

Meanwhile I treated myself to some Cascade 220 for The Boss' new winter jumper (thank you for all your recommendations last week). We consciously keep pink in moderation, and I can confirm that being mindful of princessification during the first formative five years of my daughter's life has worked so far, pink isn't an overbearing issue in our house. But this looked soft and pretty and cosy, and we wouldn't dream of banning the colour altogether. (We're not total bampots.) A pink jumper will be something new, both for me to make and for her to wear.

details: 3 skeins Cascade 220 Heathers in Framboise, destined to be an age 6 Rubble,
using a ChiaoGoo 60cm 4.5mm circular needle (my favourite needles of all time)

So, come on new baby. We're SO ready for your close up now.


  1. Aw, aww and awww.
    Love the blankie. Love that you got your kindle. Love the slippers. Love the pink wool. Cannot wait for your baby!!!!!!!!!

  2. Congratulations on your new toy! I love mine, especially at night when Mike is sleeping and I want to lie in bed to read.
    I saw the title of your post and honestly thought you were going to show a new wee one, soon I hope, just have to wait for the baking to finish! :)

  3. I hope you have a new arrival by yarn along, though I would imagine something would have to be going on at this very moment unless you have speedy deliveries. The blanket is a beautiful color. So soft. It will be nice for tummy time in a few months.

    My daughter would love that gorgeous pink. I'll be anxious to see your progress. Are you at Ravelry? I am scmom.

  4. I love everything here, even the pink. Come on, little baby, your 'virtual' aunties are getting impatient too xx

  5. LOVE the pink!! And boy a kindle with a cover??? Love that it matches your phone case and now we can have the baby right? Well you can have the baby...Good luck!

  6. Lovely blanket, now where is the baby? That pink yarn is amazing, can't wait to see the finished project.

  7. Beautiful blanket! I LOVED Simplicity Parenting. You're probably already doing most of what the book suggests, but it's affirming to see the research behind the ideas. Gorgeous pink yarn. Cascade has the most stunning colors.

    Come on baby...we can't wait to meet you.

  8. It's all so beautiful! It won't be long now before she is here!!

  9. 16? Oh, my!
    What a lovely gift and so thoughtfully picked out!
    Wishing you a trouble-free birth x

  10. What a wonderful and thoughtful surprise! Mr. Breadwinner is definitely a keeper! ;) I am in love with that framboise...it is going to be gorgeous, and I cannot wait to see the project in the works!

  11. Oh, it looks wonderful, and soft...16 is a LOT. Love that bunny...did you make that, too? And the pink jumper sounds like it will be cute!!! ♥ I hope all goes well...and look forward to hearing baby news, soon!

  12. Ohh come on baby, wishing you a great birth and a healthy baby and mum! The blanket is gorgeous, yay for a new kindle, and pink yarn!!

  13. So sweet!! Love the blanket and your cell phone case...where is it from? And I LOVE my Kindle. Perfect for one handed reading while nursing a wee one!! :)

  14. Wonderful! Enjoy your Kindle... I love being able to read on my phone! Come on baby! I can't wait to meet you!

  15. Ooh, I do like your slippers! I love slippers. And I'm pretty sure I need some new ones too very, very soon. ;)
    Good luck for the coming days...

  16. Oh it's all so exciting! I love the blanket! Wishing you a wonderful, fast birth and an easy transition to mother of two!

  17. Getting very exciting now. !! Love the blanket - and everything else too xx
