18 September 2012

random recipe :: savoury scones for tea

I had no intention of taking part in the Random Recipe Challenge for September. Because September wasn't supposed to turn out this way. I had predicted days (if not weeks) already of swaddle-wrestling a posset-stained howler monkey, shuffling around as if kicked in the nethers by a Shire horse and leaking copiously into a nursing top full of mysteriously-placed gaping seams. I know, dreaming the glam dream, right?

But it hasn't happened, so I thought I'd try to invoke Lou's labour jinx... again.

This month's challenge is linking with a combination of delightful blogs (which you can read about here via Belleau Kitchen) and focuses on tea time. Something that has become more important than ever since The Boss started school, arriving home after 3pm, ravenous.

I don't have a recipe book specifically on baking, but I do have a plastic file devoted entirely to the subject, stuffed full of clippings and scribbles for recipes both sweet and savoury. With the help of random.org, I was delighted to select a clipping that I haven't made before, that is available for you to read online here, and that opens with the phrase "Irresistible slathered with butter and served for tea". Surely the stars are all aligned for this Random Recipe!

So, while listening to Nigel Slater on the radio, extolling the virtues of savouring even the humblest piece of fruit at the table with a napkin and cutlery, I mixed up a batch of Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall's Cheddar, Onion and Herb Wholemeal Scones. Very therapeutic it was too. I used up my spelt flour in place of the light brown in his recipe, rosemary from the garden, and included a few chunks of applewood smoked cheddar as well as the regular stuff I had in the fridge.

Looks good right? Tastes good too, beautifully soft, salty and savoury, and crunchy round the edges. I scoffed my slice before even getting round to butter... or tea. Oh, and it's only mid-morning. Certainly there was no napkin, table or cutlery. (It took very few moments to forget Nigel's advice on treating food with the respect it deserves - oops.)

Once again, Lou's labour jinx hasn't worked today, the buzzer went off and I'm still the shape of my gym ball. But never fear, I have more baking on my to-do list. My inherited, hand-written copy of The Queen Mother's Favourite Cake is next up...


  1. No baby yet? Well shoot, hopefully soon.
    I received a great package in the mail yesterday, thank you! Everything is just beautiful.

  2. Maybe the dragon baby doesn't like the sound of the food mixer and is keeping out of the way ;)

    Sincerely hope it's soon!

  3. A mixer? For scones?!?! Don't let the Mary Berrys of this world hear you say that!! Blasphemy indeed. ;-)

  4. jump up and down lot... shale the bugger out!... or not... just push it out from above by stuffing yourself full of these amazing scones... I think i've made these myself and I know how soft they are... what a wonderful recipe and a great entry and i'm kind of glad the little bump didn't come yet because I get you for one more month... now go and PUSH!!!!!!!!!!! xxxx

    1. Bouncing around on my gym ball like a head case while filling my fat face with anything I can lay my hands on... This really can't go on for ever, for SO MANY reasons!!!

    2. I remember it well. It can't go on much longer so just enjoy those quiet hours while the boss is out. Of the house!!!!!! Xxxxxx

  5. Sounds like a great way to fill in some time before baby arrives, I think you need sweet next ;)

  6. LOVELY to meet you and your impending bundle of joy! LOVELY recipe and thanks for entering them in to RR and TTT! I would love it if you linked them to my blog too, as I am also co-hosting - MANY thanks! Karen

  7. PS: I am a scone fiend and these are definitely TOP draw of the scone world! :-)

  8. Oooo these sound rather smashing! Too bad they didn't entice the dragon baby into making an appearance… Perhaps something Singaporean might?

  9. Omg I have a plastic file stuffed full of scribblings and cut-outs too! Hah. Glad the random generator thing pointed yoou in the way of scones, because they look freakin' delicious. I used to grumble if there were no snacks at home after i got back from school too haha, but unfortunately, we didn't have homemade scones to satisfy our tea cravings. On the bright side though, the hawker centre was always only 10 mins away (:

  10. Yum, they sound soooo good. Am "pinning" them to my "to try" board.

  11. Haha! What a great post ... waiting on a baby is not the most fun thing, but you've kept your sense of humor and that's half the battle! Best of luck popping that muffin ... the scones look scrummy! I've copied the recipe, as it's a cold raw rainy day and I am in need of something 'slathered with butter and served for tea".

  12. These look delicious and hearty. Hope the little-un has put in an appearance now!
