05 January 2012

project 52: resolution

We've got these mugs. We've had them since we first moved in together, you must know the ones, that Penguin book cover range. This week we had a friend staying. He's a writer and he started to talk about the book title on his mug of tea. Gradually it dawned on me that owning these mugs is totally phoney, because I've never read any of the books that they illustrate. We agreed that to source and read them is as good a New Year's resolution as any.

They are: Persuasion by Jane Austin, Country Life by H.E. Bates, Together by Norman Douglas, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Traveller from Tokyo by John Morris, and Civilisation by Clive Bell. The real challenge is going to be finding copies of some of them.

So I photographed them for Darcy's Project 52 photo challenge (click the button below), which is this week inpired by the word "resolution". I'm still figuring out my way around my camera, and have only just enrolled in a Photoshop course, so I know this could be better, but perhaps taking part in Project 52 will help me to progress in 2012.

I'd like to try and make notes about the photos I post too, so that if any of Darcy's followers can tell me the crashing errors I'm making with my camera or in Photoshop, they might let me know. This was taken on my Samsung NX10 with 50-200mm zoom lens. ISO 1600,  f/7.1,  1/8. Using flash, indoors, in direct overhead halogen lighting (nice huh?). I tweaked the image by adjusting the curves graph a wee smidge, having sampled the background colour. If that last bit makes no sense, it's because I'm only on week one of the Photoshop course... can you tell?!

Despite the horrible lighting, I like the way the image appears quite serene and floaty. And for some reason, my little girl loves this photo and keeps asking if we can make the cup flower again!

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge my3boybarians.com


  1. That sounds like a great resolution!

  2. That's great that you are learning how to use your camera more.. I too am figuring out the dials on my sony cybershot.

  3. What a unique resolution! And I really like the "cup flower." A great start to the year for sure!

  4. I like your photo, good composition. Since you are asking though, this is what I would do, turn your flash off, turn your f-stop to the lowest number your lens will allow (that should give you more light) shoot during the day so you won't need lights on, maybe near a window.

  5. Cheers Susan! (and other Susan while we're at it!) Thanks for the tips. Ironically, despite living in the tropics, my apartment is incredibly gloomy (does help to keep things cool I suppose) so I struggle to take any indoor photos at all. I did a few without flash, and they came out alrightish, but I started sort of leaning towards liking the shadowless bleached look of the flash pictures... ;0)

  6. Nice composition and wonderful resolution. :)

  7. I think your photo is lovely. As well as your resolution. I've only read one of those...good luck in your search!

  8. Hello!
    Thanks for your comment, if you read my post, in the right column at the top is a translator and translates the post.

    Aaaaaand your photo is incredibly original and I love it! Good luck in your search!
    Petonets xoxo

  9. Aaaaaah Ruthy, thanks! All becomes clearer ;0)

  10. I love the picture. I know nothing about cameras or photoshop - but I know I like it ;)

    Cool mugs too!

  11. I really love the lighting in your photo - I would've never guessed you used your flash! Good luck with your resolution! It should be a fun one!

  12. I think your photo is wonderful and you will really enjoy reading those books!

  13. I like the photo and I hope you enjoy reading the books. Thanks for your comment on my blog - I hope you find crochet fun, Judy x

  14. Love those mugs and what a fun reading and photography project! I am a Photoshop reject. ;)
    Hopefully one day I will learn. Thanks for stopping by my space!

  15. i like the light in your photo too, very pretty!
    i'm afraid i am a photoshop resistor, (i have it only because it came with a leica camera i purchased) and i do use it if i need to resize a photo per an editors request. anyway thats probably a good thing as i would make a big mess i'm sure, looks very complicated!
    if you have a tripod i would use that and the av setting on your camera, pushing the fstop all the way down. good luck and have fun with your challenge!

  16. your photo has a good composition, and the light gave a delicate tone to your photo!

    Light Trigger: visit us &leave a comment

    Light Trigger

  17. I think...it's your picture, you're the artist, do what you like.
    I love the lighting and the composition. If we all colored in the lines and followed the rules it wouldn't be ours.
    One of my favorite pictures of the day!

  18. I love your resolution! Photography, mugs, reading, & Photoshop.. definitely my cup of tea/java. I look fwd to your P52 posts.

  19. Love the lighting and the colors in this photo! Looking forward to your posts!

  20. I really like your photo and those mugs! Have fun reading. Glad to have your comments and shared interests in knitting and photography. :)

  21. Cripes - thanks for stopping by one and all! aDusty Coyote - your favourite of the day? I'm genuinely flattered! And @Lori - a tripod - what a good idea - I'm ashamed to say it's never crossed my mind. what a duffer!

  22. Love your picture! I read Brave New World in high school, but I've never even heard of the others. If they were popular enough to end up on coffee mugs, I bet the library will have them all. Happy reading!

  23. Love your goal & your photo. Good luck & I look forward to seeing your progress in 2012

  24. This is a really good photo !!! I love the colors, the light and the subject isn't in the center ... All nice !

  25. A great - and gentle(!) - resolution. I love the photo just as it is.

  26. I like your composition and you won't regret the time spent with a good book. Enjoy!

  27. "The cup flower" <-- so sweet! I adore this photo & want those mugs!

  28. That sounds like a great resolution – I keep realising how few "classics" I've read, tell myself that I really should read them, and then never quite get round to it… I love your photo as well – and that you've used it as your new header!
