20 January 2012

project 52: i dreamed a dream

I think I share a dream with quite a lot of other people. That's the only plausible explanation for the success of the BBC's Dragons' Den. It's the fantasy of that lightbulb moment, where a normobod like you or me has flash of divine inspiration to create something so fantastic that the human race won't know how they ever managed without it.

It's always the simplest ideas that strike me as real genius. Taking the purest of concepts and combining it with a brainwave to create a product that makes life just that little bit easier, that little bit more accessible, that little bit more affordable. So for Project 52 this week, I looked around my apartment to see if I could find an example of that.

I chose my weights because I think they are genius with a capital G. A set of bog-standard handweights can be quite pricey, and I'm not a dedicated enough gym bunny to justify buying them. So imagine my delight on finding this brilliant product in the $2 shop!

Samsung NX10, ISO 800, f/7.1, 1/10s, against the light of a bright window.
Photoshopping limited to removing some tiny bobbles from the blanket using the healing tool.

A litre of water weighs 1 kg, as all good secondary school students will know. So, you take that gem of knowledge and use it to make 1 litre water bottles in the shape of handweights. G E N I U S!

Okay, okay, so I acknowledge that the inventors of this particular piece of artistry may not exactly change the world, but the clarity of the idea makes me smile every time. I'd just love to think up something as cool as this one day. And they're photogenic too, with a dreamy sort of quality, don't you think?!

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge my3boybarians.com


  1. Love your shot of your dumbells.. there are really very good finds in a $2 shop. I must really get myself a copy of photoshop + a DSLR camera this year.

  2. very unique shot and what a find!!

  3. I share the dream. My husband and I are always trying to concoct little treasures of genius that will make us millions, but alas, we're yet to stumble on it!! Great pic x

  4. Great photo. Oh to have an inventive mind!

  5. I definitely have that dream ;) My boyfriend does too, and has come up with a few ideas but none that are quite genius enough!

    The water bottle dumbells is a really neat idea, I like it. And your photo is gorgeous. It makes a fairly functional item look beautifully ethereal :)

  6. Beautiful photos. They look so dreamy. I love the water weights. Great idea.

  7. you and my husband share this infatuation with "simple genius" designs. and he is going to FLIP about this. absolutely brilliant - and i want a set now! great photo and interpretation!

  8. Wow...now that is really neat.

  9. This is such an interesting shot! Thanks for sharing. Really loving your photos in this project.

  10. Thanks for the comments on my shots. Made my day! Your shots are very outside the box, so I can't wait to see what you come up with for the self portrait!

  11. I love the lighting (wowza), the angle, and the little red lid. Very cool- they look like blocks of ice. Have a great weekend!

  12. I love the color in your photo. Various shades of pink are so pretty. Great idea with water weights too.

  13. I love the light in this shot. I know that they are dumb bell water bottles, but the shapes are just so interesting. Very nice!

  14. Those weights are incredibly cool! I love the idea, and I love the picture. Never thought I'd see such a cool picture of weights.

  15. My husband also likes Dragons' Den. He loves to come up with new business ideas. Love your photo this week. Very cool to place the bottles/weights in front of the window.
