11 January 2012

it's the final countdown

Now that all the New Year shenanigans are out of the way (well, except that we're only just warming up for Chinese New Year, more on that in a week or two!) we're on the countdown to our moving home date. Not that we have an actual date yet, but if there's one thing we've learned from our stay in Singapore, it's how to cope with not knowing whether we're coming or going. Literally.

The move is daunting and invigorating in equal measure. How will I ever inventory all our belongings for the container ship? How will we survive the British weather? How will Pontian wonton mee deprivation feel? Will the tenants have pruned my raspberries? (Or will I get to enjoy my favourite frosty-morning, steaming-cuppa, saturday job of the whole year - eeek! I can't wait!)

In addition, it means that all the little scarves and sweaters I'm making for The Boss will soon be in actual daily use (as opposed to may-be-useful-at-some-ill-defined-time-in-the-future-when-it-may-or-may-not-still-fit, a concise description for everything else I've made over the past two years). I wonder if all my little masterpieces will stand up to the rigours of a Scottish spring?

My project this week is inspired by Yarn Along hostess Ginny in a multitude of ways. I loved her daughters' cap-sleeved sweaters so much that I made three in the run up to Christmas for various little girls. Last week, I admired Ginny's striped sweater for another of her children so I decided to combine the two concepts - a striped cap-sleeved sweater. And the bonus is that it's going to be a great stash-buster, using up three lone balls of cashmerino which, luckily, look really pretty together.

I'm reading next to nothing at the moment as I've run out of books and don't want to buy too many more before the packing begins (especially because books are at least twice the price here). I'm dipping in and out of the Guardian Review Book of Short Stories, which I thought was a slightly niche Christmas gift (and if I may dare to utter the ungrateful words: from the cover design and binding it looks like there's an outside chance it was a freebie...) but is redeemed by being totally charming. And frankly, since we're on the topic of curious gifts, nothing beats the gift-wrapped packet of plastic ring-binder pockets. And guess what? I got both of the aforementioned from the same person! (What do I say in the thank you card?) Oh yes chums, where peculiar presents are concerned I'm the self-appointed winner this year.

So while you picture me basking in the glory of that accolade, we're off to indulge in the noisy, raucous, crimson and gilt over-excitement that is the run-up to the year of the dragon. Anything to escape the reality of imminent migration...


  1. Wow to the heading home bit, but I don't envy you the actual process. Moving sucks! Exciting to think of the knitting, though! Love those colours together x

  2. Hope the moving goes really smoothly (as much as an epic move can, anyway!)

    Love the striped sweater, the colours really do go perfectly together :)

  3. How exciting, if exhausting, to be moving!

    The sweater is just beautiful and with the yarn you are using I bet it feels like a dream!

  4. packing is the hardest task, but unpacking is fun! I hope you get your actual date so you can plan your lists of things to do.

  5. That looks like Debbie Bliss yarn. Yes? I knitted a Christmas gift with light grey and found it very odd to work with. Springy sort of. I am knitting the same vest in pink for my daughter. Nice, easy pattern with cute results! Love your color combination.

  6. Wow, I love the bright pink with your yarn.
    Good luck with preparing for the big move; I have found it rather stressful - the one time I've actually had to move with furniture and family and such - so hoping yours will be a smooth affair!

  7. The colors are just perfect together!! And I'm sure the move will come together perfectly (if exhaustingly!), too.
    Happy New Year!

  8. I'm stumped on your unusual gifts, but I do hope your move goes smoothly! And the colors of the knitting are lovely together.

  9. @Barbara - it's all Rowan actually (almost the only natural fibre yarn I can buy here) so it is very soft and delicious. But I know what you mean about Debbie Bliss, I'm not a great fan of that brand because, once too often I've encounted knotted ends where they've broken the strand and tried to hide it, and NOTHING make me more mad in the middle of a long row!

    Glad the colour combo is getting the YA seal of approval! I'm not great at colours, and pink doesn't feature large in our house. But the pale sage green saved the pink/brown combo from looking like a nasty ice cream ;0)

  10. love your color choices! Such a happy little sweater!

  11. Have to agree with others here--the colors are absolutely gorgeous!
    The Beauty of Eclecticism

  12. Those colours are really lovely together, I love a stash busting project! Good luck preparing for your move.

  13. Not knowing when you're moving is so stressful – we spent six months not knowing exactly when we were going to be leaving Norway, so I know how you feel! Well, sort of – I didn't really have to deal with all the logistics of moving, since that was mostly my parents' problem, but it was still a bit of a tough time… I hope you can still make the most of the rest of your time in Singapore though, and enjoy the Chinese New Year festivities!! :)
