02 November 2011

it's all relative

Can there be such a thing as a scarf that's too long? No, in fact, don't answer that. I'm making one anyway because it turns out that there's more of this leftover wool than I thought... At the moment it's measuring about four feet, and I'm pretty sure it'll hit six before the scraps are all used.

But what are the optimum scarf dimensions relative to the wearer? There must be a formula out there. A knitted theory of relativity.

In an effort to justify the length of this particular project, the intended recipient is tall (5'10"). And she lives in a cold climate. And it is a skinny after all (just 4" across) so it could be worn doubled up... But what if this well-intentioned gift puts pressure on my best friend to gad about like Dr. Who in his Tom Baker incarnation? Not quite the effect I was after (nor her I suspect).

While we're talking about things being relative, we had one of our tribe pass through Singapore last week, bearing gifts from Granny. So for Yarn Along this week, here are the new books I'm reading to The Boss. This amazing collection of stories by Jill Tomlinson is perfectly age-appropriate for her (at nearly five), and the chapters are exactly the right length for bedtime stories (something of a problem that we've had with other chapter books). In less than a week we've finished The cat who wanted to go home, and we're half way through The otter who wanted to know. They're gentle, would be enjoyable for boys and girls alike, and are simply a pleasure to read to her.

Clever Granny.

Linking in with the Yarn Alongers, stop by to see what others are making and reading this week.


  1. the scarf looks fabulous. i'm sure the reciever will be thrilled to own this. and using up scraps : excellent!

  2. Wow, what lovely colours. Its that time of year. When I decide to start knitting, but I'm one of those who gets so easily bored that a short scarf is about all I can manage! Any suggestions for an easy project I can try this year? Ax

  3. I'm sure I heard somewhere that ideal scarf length is the height of the wearer, but I have no idea where that came from! It looks beautiful regardless ;)

  4. Aw, The Owl who was afraid of the dark was one of the first books my husband read when he was learning English! :) I don't know any of the other ones, I must check on them!

  5. I actually LOVE a long, super long, scarf. I am 5'11 and live in chilly Sweden and if someone sent this scarf to me, I would adore it - especially for its length.

  6. I believe the rule is the scarf should be as long as the width of the recipient's arm span. I love your scarf. Such pretty colors!

  7. Ooh, I'm going to check those books out. My four-year-old can't get enough at the moment and we're really ready for something a bit more 'grown up'.

  8. I've never heard or seen of those books - I'll have to look for them at the library. Lovely scarf. It seems that the speckled yellow yarn color is very popular this season!

  9. I don't know but I would love a long scarf like that : ) I love the color of the yarn closest to the needles.

  10. Oh, thank you, thank you for the book suggestions! I've been looking for chapter books with perfect bed-time length chapters and these sound like something my boy would love. I'm ordering them for Christmas. Thanks!

    In my opinion, a scarf can never be too long, especially a skinny scarf. But then again I like to double or triple mine up nice and thick. Your friend is a very lucky lady; that's going to be a lovely scarf.

  11. My scarves are usually five to six feet long. Then you can do more fussing with them when you wear them. Keep going and going and going!! It looks lovely :)

  12. When I first started knitting I obsessed about the 'proper' scarf length! I don't think they can ever be too long because you can wear them so many ways. That being said, my daughters were very particular about the length of their scarves and wanted them L-O-N-G. Enjoy reading those sweet books to your wee one!

  13. Very curious about those books. I'm going to need to check them out!

  14. My grown girls told me that a scarf should be as long as possible, their logic is that if it's too short, it's too short but if it's too long it can be doubled, wrapped round and round, hooked over the head.......

  15. I've been knitting a few scarves lately and wondering the same thing myself about length. I'm only 5 feet tall but love my scarves to be about 6 feet. That way there's plenty to wrap plus plenty more to hang down and keep me warm. But maybe there is some formula out there?

  16. The scarf looks super. Have not read what others have said but I was told that scarf length should be the same as the wearer's height. For a skinny scarf I think you would be fine to go longer

  17. Fabulous scarf and photo! I am in the camp who thinks that a scarf can never be too long. There is nothing more annoying than a too short scarf, making the wearer pull on it to get every bit of length available. I love the versatility of long scarves. Those books look great and will make perfect holiday gifts for the little readers in my family.

  18. No, a scarf can't be too long - and I also thought of Tom Baker immediately, of course! Just keep winding it around.

    The books look nice - puts me in mind of the Mother West Wind series.

  19. These books are new to me, they sound delightful though.

    Should a scarf be the same length as the height of the person who wears it???? Looks great anyway.
