12 October 2011

the a/w collection

A fast and furious update for Yarn Along today.

Stripe Study is at last FINISHED!

Classic bathroom mirror self-portraits coming up...

it's drapey enough to wear as a scarf...

...and big enough to wear as a shawl

1000 Autumns of Jacob de Zoet remains distinctly unfinished...

But the A/W collection is taking shape!

Linking in with the fantastic Yarn Alongers!


  1. Oooh the colours are just vibrant, I love the pink! Very well done, have fun wearing it =)

  2. It looks fantastic, the colours are super

  3. That is gorgeous! I would have never thought about that colour for this pattern before, but now I'm so inspired!!

  4. Gorgeous color!! It turned out great :)

  5. It's stunning :) I absolutely love the colours, how fantastically bright and cheery - perfect for when the weather is dull.

  6. Beautiful. I have been thinking about Stripe Study myself... thinking only, have yet to actually cast on. Your shawl is so pretty, the bright colours are very eye catching!

  7. I love the two colors you have paired together in this shawl--beautiful!!

  8. oh wow, fantastic colours, really looks great!

  9. Love the shawl! Yeah for finishing. Had to giggle at your 'distinctly unfinished' remark. I have many things that could be described using those words.

  10. Your shawl is stunningly beautiful! I LOVE the colors you've chosen, and it looks lovely on you.

  11. Wow...the vibrant colors make it so appealing! Nice work!!!

  12. beautiful knitting, what a treasure you have now. (i see your khiels, i'm a big fan too.)

  13. gorgeous! this is great. i want one!

  14. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE everything about the shawl, especially the gorgeous, vibrant colors.

  15. Wow! I haven't checked back in since posting because I have guests staying, but 15 positive comments - I can't believe it! Thank you one and all, I guess the colour combo is a success (I was worried that I wouldn't find a gift recipient for such crazy bright colours, but maybe it'll be okay!)

  16. That is stunning! Love it.
    I am also having a wee giggle at you trying it on in the sweltering heat!
    Are you really going to give it to someone? It would be perfect for you on your trips home! I know those colours suit you.

  17. Wow, amazing! Well done you, it's beautiful. If you do have difficulties finding a recipient for the colour combo, I'd know one ;)

  18. Your Stripe Study is gorgeous! I love the way you are wearing it as a scarf. The colors are so fun and vibrant.
