05 October 2011

apologies, misfortune cookies and a big mac

So my computer broke. I wrote this whole metaphorical love story about my dependable G5 being replaced by a spiv of a new iMac. And then I deleted it because it just wasn't funny or interesting at all. Do you ever do that? Wonder why you're having to work so hard on a few words and suddenly realise that it's because they're just entirely crap?!

Anyway, the transition hasn't been a smooth one, so I suppose I was just trying to make a joke to cover the stress. In the week between the old box failing and the new box arriving, I used a nasty little old PC netbook to keep in touch with far-distant family and read all the blogposts I follow. I wish I hadn't. It seriously messed with my eyesight and had a severe negative impact on my bloglife. The netbook wouldn't allow me to leave any comments, or even to respond to comments on my own pages; words disappearing before my eyes nine times out of ten. Apparently it's something to do with cookies, or lack thereof.

But worse was to come!

Sites began to spontaneously disappear from my dashboard, and I couldn't access other pages at all (Barefoot Crofter, thank goodness I can at last read about your lovely new piglets!). But worst of all, and perhaps due to all my perceived bad blogger etiquette, I lost a couple of followers. Which wouldn't matter, except that they were such lovely ones who always said kind things. I hope they come back...

So a quick apology, if I've failed to respond to your comment, un-followed your page, or caused you to delete mine, I'm sorry, it was unintentional. The arrival of the Big Mac means that normal service can now be resumed (fingers crossed)!

And it's Wednesday again already, and so it's Yarn Along day. With all this technical time-wasting I can't seem to be bothered making time to read The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet that I was so prejudiced against last week. I feel that this should be a sign to cut my losses and move on, but it came so highly recommended (and was an anniversary gift from 'im indoors) so I know I must persevere. My Stripe Study scarf is onto it's last stripe before the long slog of the final border. I think it's going to look great, but I'm looking forward to finishing it, as those long rows of garter stitch are quite slow towards the end. But just look at that beautiful ball of wool - there's no way this could become anything but fabulous when it's finished (which I hope will be this week).

Linking in with the lovely Yarn Alongers, who I'm hoping to engage with more fully this week!


  1. Those are some bright bright colours! I am very envious of that purpley yarn!

  2. I know! I keep trying to take a photo that doesn't look like it's been colour boosted, but it's not possible. There's no getting away from the screaming P-I-N-K!

  3. Oh! You poor thing, sometimes I find the iPad won't let me leave comments, but today it seems happy enough. Hope your new Mac works well, now I'm off to look at the piglets :-)

  4. Trying to keep it in perspective though - I'm not really deserving of any sympathy ATR, as I did go straight out and splurge on a shiny new computer - eeek!

  5. That ball of yarn looks so pretty. And the colour combo is just gorgeous :)

  6. That yarn is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

  7. blogging can be treacherous... I lost a whole post last week and was FURIOUS... my partner The Viking, writes his as a word.doc first then copies them into blogger just in case this ever happens... but that's planning ahead way too much for me!... AMAZING yarn colours x

  8. I hope you get your computer woes fixed! The ball of yarn is gorgeous :)

  9. Yay! Glad you have a new computer because I just LOVE reading your blog.

    That shawl is gorgeous! I love the colors and the patter and can't wait to see the finished object.

  10. computers are so necessary now, luckily knitting is too. i love that pattern, i've had it queued for a long time. yours is so pretty.

  11. Thank you for the lovely comments one and all. Between you, you sum it up; computers = necessary but treacherous (great word Dom!).

  12. Oh that's a pain about loosing stuff...technology can be amazing but it's also the pits sometimes...

    The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet sounds really interesting I have no idea what it's about but the name is so intriguing that I'll have to google it as soon as I finish writing this...

    Good luck with the knitting..I look forward to seeing it on next weeks yarn along...


  13. Oh good the technicals are getting sorted out, it can be so frustrating!
    On to the last stripe - how very exciting!!

  14. I love that purple wool very very much. I only I could knit... sigh.

    I hope your new computer is a nice tribute to Steve Jobs.

  15. It sure is PDNFTA, no doubt about it, the Mac is a superior beast. That such a clever man turned a regular fool like me from a computer luddite into a proud techno geek (relatively) is no small achievement.
